Maxed Passwords

These passwords are so named because they will give all items, a White Crystal, 8 Laurels, 8 Garlic, 6 Experience, a Flame Whip, and - so as to make the endings more available - a clock set at zero days. These will make you start the game anew under these conditions; two passwords are listed as well because the password system is different between the releases.

Effect                                                                                               Password

Maxed Password - PAL Release                                                    G9JV 4TBQ P5QV 3T7Q

Maxed Password - US Release                                                     C1EN WMAK JXKN VMZK



Effect                                                                                               Password

Defeat Dracula                                                                                 DY31 LXDY W45X TGJX

Fight Dracula                                                                                   7MEF 0VFT 151Z Y2Z5

Fight Dracula for the best ending                                                   UGKD N3BV W2VL SDYV

Start on Level 6                                                                              31U2 ONCF 2RAU 04VF

Start the game with all items and weapons                                   MLIT-WVCW-T3KU-SFZC

Start with "Morning Star" Whip                                                      OBKQ EPY1 UHBC R3YJ

Start with all items, Level 6, and Flame Whip on Day "0"              GZ0V I0I5 GQCF U2ZB

Start with Chain Whip                                                                    ZQ35 T1HK FW0B AMXS

Start with Flame Whip                                                                   WZSY MLAD 4PY0 ZEEE

Start with Thorn Whip                                                                   GINF HQLS BOVJ UHJ4