Change Colors

While playing on Ship mode, press Up in controller 2 to pause the game and then press A, B, Up and Down on controller 1. If done right, a bunch of numbers will appear. Use these numbers to change the colors of the game.



Debug Menu

At the title screen, press and hold A & B on the 2nd controller and then press and hold A & Select on the 1st controller.



Free Magic

During gameplay, select any magic and use it with the A Button on Player 1's controller while, at the same time, holding any button (except Up) on Player 2's controller. The magic will still be used, but no MP will be consumed.



Level passwords


Effect                   Password

Level 2                  8009

Level 3                  0720

Level 4                  9025

Level 5                  0127

Level 6                  7013

Level 7                  0926

Level 8                  3280