Continue Game:

Select a 2-player game, and when you begin playing, let the 2nd player die. Continue playing with Player 1 and when Player 1 loses his last life, play the game with Controller #2!


Level select:

Enter one of these codes on the title screen to start the level with Infinite Lifes.


Code:                                                                                                                Effect:

Hold Up + Right + A on Controller 2 and press start on Controller 1.                 Level 2

Hold Right + A on Controller 2 and press start on Controller 1.                         Level 3

Hold Down + Right + A on controller 2 and press start on controller 1.              Level 4

Hold Down + A on controller 2 and press start on controller 1.                          Level 5

Hold Down + Left + A on Controller 2 and press start on Controller 1.               Level 6

Hold Left + A on Controller 2 and press start on Controller 1.                            Level 7