Higher Speed/Acceleration:

At the initial copyright screen, press every single button at the same time on both controllers to make a combination of Up + Down + Left + Right + A + B + Select + Start in total. You can press the opposite D-Pad directions on the different pads. For example press Up + Right + A + B + Select + Start on the first controller and Down + Left on the second controller. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Instead of 192 mph, you'll be able to reach 201 mph and the faster acceleration. (If using just one NES controller, you must use a specially-modified one; normal ones don't allow pressing all D-Pad buttons at once.)


Name Password Easter Eggs:

Enter these names as the password for Player 1 to change the name of Player 2 to - most often, but not always - one of those of the developers.

Effect                                                                                  Password

Player 2's name becomes "ALEX DEMEO"                       PROTECTOR

Player 2's name becomes "CHRISTOPHER D"                FOLLOW CHRIST

Player 2's name becomes "JESUS IS LORD"                  GREATEST TRUTH

Player 2's name becomes "RACHEL DEMEO"                 LITTLE LAMB

Player 2's name becomes "TIFFANY DEMEO"                 IN GODS IMAGE

Player 2's name becomes "VICKY DEMEO"                    VICTORIOUS


Skip Racer Info:

At the racer's name entry screen, press B and Select to jump right to the race info screen instead of watching the racer's presentation.


Skip Scene:

In the European version, an ability was added to skip more info and animation screens than the normal US version's "Skip Racer Info" code. Just press A + B at the the title screen.