Note that this glitch requires the use of a NES controller that allows Left and Right on the D-Pad to be pressed at the same time. By pressing Left and Right at the same time, there is a glitch in the game's programming which allows Link to move with much higher velocity than normal, so high such that he can often enter and go through walls. You can alter your speed and direction by changing your facing or tapping Left or Right on the D-Pad while the other is held.


Follow the steps below:

1. Save the game after completing the game once.
2. Use this character to complete a castle.
3. Press Start on controller one, then hold: Up + A on controller two.
4. Save the game and immediately begin game play with a new character. The new character's experience points will rapidly increase after starting.


To pass through locked doors without a key, simply turn yourself into a fairy (with the Fairy spell) and float on through. 


At any time in the game press Start on Controller 1. Then on Controller 2 press Up and A to bring up the "Continue, Save, Retry" screen. Use this if you are stuck in a screen with no way out, and no way to lose a life. You can use this code to save your game (so you don't lose the items you have picked up), and start over from the starting screen.


To save without dying, try the cheat below. Press start on Controller one and on controller two press: Up and Start
If entered correctly a save screen will pop up. You have the choice to either Save or Continue. 


To discover the art of the upward attack, go to Darunia and use the Jump spell to leap up to the house with a chimney. Drop down this and go right to find a knowledgeable warrior. The downward attack is found in Mido. Use the Jump spell to reach the open door at the top of the church, and go through to find a teacher.


When fighting your shadow, move to the left side of the screen and press B repeatedly. Your shadow may hit you once or twice, but you should land many more strikes during that time.


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